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This innovative crank gives you the ability to fire your 10/22® rifle faster than you could if you were just squeezing the trigger each time. Each complete crank of the handle fires the rifle four times, letting you achieve the maximum cyclic rate of fire. Although you can achieve simulated full auto fire, the rifle is still being operated in a semiauto capacity and the trigger is being pulled once for each round fired.
While intended for use on the Ruger ® 10/22®, it will work on other rifles as well as long as they have a similar trigger guard that has enough room to attach the Activator. Due to the potentially high rates of fire, the Activator is not designed or intended for hunting use.
At this time, there are no federal restrictions on this product but due to state restrictions, it is NOT LEGAL IN SOME STATES. Although we will never knowingly ship to a prohibited location, it is your responsibility to know and comply with all state and local regulations for your location. Please check state and local restrictions to ensure legality and compliance for your location prior to ordering.
Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 4 reviews